Beautiful Nooks for More Than Books

Our Melbourne Girls Grammar libraries house a collaborative community of learners and educators who benefit from rich physical and digital environments.

We offer tailored programs designed to inspire curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking from growing minds. Melbourne Girls Grammar libraries support learners to achieve not only academic goals but nurture personal growth.

A school library is a school’s physical and digital learning space where reading, inquiry, research, thinking, imagination, and creativity are central to students’ information-to-knowledge journey and to their personal, social, and cultural growth. (1)

Culture and Learning

Our libraries are vibrant environments. Step inside our physical spaces to observe our students collaborating, learning, and recreating in groups and in comfortable solitude.

The slogan, ‘Whose library? OUR library’ is embraced in Morris Hall where weekly targeted lessons enable our students to become strong digital citizens, gaining confidence in online learning and digital practices. These classes also empower our students with the skills to become joyful, voracious readers who possess a depth to their reading tastes, appreciation and understanding of literature.

At Merton Hall, the Nina Crone Library is an active learning environment. Senior Years students enjoy the flexibility of studying alone or with peers, teachers, and academic coaches. Wildfell and Middle Years students get comfortable on our multi-coloured cushions in ‘The Drum’ for wider reading sessions, where a teacher librarian enthusiastically shares stories and talks about books. Library staff support students to self-select books so that they can “develop an emotional attachment to reading and develop lifelong reading habits.” (2).

The energy and delight of our library environments are never more apparent than during daily recreation times, which see individual pursuits happily coexisting with collaboration and socialising for pleasure and personal growth. During these times, our Melbourne Girls Grammar libraries are hives of activity with girls in huddles reading, navigating board games, online games, building, creating, and crafting. Clubs such as MineCraft Club are also noisy, happy times that enhance collaboration and problem solving. The extensive library collections provide relaxed reading opportunities for those who crave social connection or prefer some ‘me time’ with a book.

In the middle of the busyness, our qualified library staff are focussed on provoking our girls’ thinking, assisting with resources and programs, empowering them to navigate their friendships, and encouraging new ideas and activities.

Culture and Learning

Our libraries are vibrant environments. Step inside our physical spaces to observe our students collaborating, learning, and recreating in groups and in comfortable solitude.

The slogan, ‘Whose library? OUR library’ is embraced in Morris Hall where weekly targeted lessons enable our students to become strong digital citizens, gaining confidence in online learning and digital practices. These classes also empower our students with the skills to become joyful, voracious readers who possess a depth to their reading tastes, appreciation and understanding of literature.

At Merton Hall, the Nina Crone Library is an active learning environment. Senior Years students enjoy the flexibility of studying alone or with peers, teachers, and academic coaches. Wildfell and Middle Years students get comfortable on our multi-coloured cushions in ‘The Drum’ for wider reading sessions, where a teacher librarian enthusiastically shares stories and talks about books. Library staff support students to self-select books so that they can “develop an emotional attachment to reading and develop lifelong reading habits.” (2).

The energy and delight of our library environments are never more apparent than during daily recreation times, which see individual pursuits happily coexisting with collaboration and socialising for pleasure and personal growth. During these times, our Melbourne Girls Grammar libraries are hives of activity with girls in huddles reading, navigating board games, online games, building, creating, and crafting. Clubs such as MineCraft Club are also noisy, happy times that enhance collaboration and problem solving. The extensive library collections provide relaxed reading opportunities for those who crave social connection or prefer some ‘me time’ with a book.

In the middle of the busyness, our qualified library staff are focussed on provoking our girls’ thinking, assisting with resources and programs, empowering them to navigate their friendships, and encouraging new ideas and activities.

Culture and Learning

Our libraries are vibrant environments. Step inside our physical spaces to observe our students collaborating, learning, and recreating in groups and in comfortable solitude.

The slogan, ‘Whose library? OUR library’ is embraced in Morris Hall where weekly targeted lessons enable our students to become strong digital citizens, gaining confidence in online learning and digital practices. These classes also empower our students with the skills to become joyful, voracious readers who possess a depth to their reading tastes, appreciation and understanding of literature.

At Merton Hall, the Nina Crone Library is an active learning environment. Senior Years students enjoy the flexibility of studying alone or with peers, teachers, and academic coaches. Wildfell and Middle Years students get comfortable on our multi-coloured cushions in ‘The Drum’ for wider reading sessions, where a teacher librarian enthusiastically shares stories and talks about books. Library staff support students to self-select books so that they can “develop an emotional attachment to reading and develop lifelong reading habits.” (2).

The energy and delight of our library environments are never more apparent than during daily recreation times, which see individual pursuits happily coexisting with collaboration and socialising for pleasure and personal growth. During these times, our Melbourne Girls Grammar libraries are hives of activity with girls in huddles reading, navigating board games, online games, building, creating, and crafting. Clubs such as MineCraft Club are also noisy, happy times that enhance collaboration and problem solving. The extensive library collections provide relaxed reading opportunities for those who crave social connection or prefer some ‘me time’ with a book.

In the middle of the busyness, our qualified library staff are focussed on provoking our girls’ thinking, assisting with resources and programs, empowering them to navigate their friendships, and encouraging new ideas and activities.

Spaces and Services

Our libraries’ beautiful, physical layouts are designed in response to research based on girls’ academic and social needs. They are purposeful, flexible spaces, that provide areas to gather in small groups, nooks and corners for comfortable privacy, and of course larger spaces for classes and community gatherings.

There are spaces for casual collaboration and formal meetings and the library provides a haven for the girls during their busy lives – a place for quiet reflection. Our students are comfortable to move between these environments and confidently choose according to their needs.

Library staff take pleasure in creating attractive physical and digital displays to promote the book collections and library programs. At the Nina Crone Library, bespoke bookmarks have become collectors’ items by both students and staff. The ‘Compliment Jar’ on our library desk attracts students like a moth to a flame, and there is joy in their happy responses as they read the compliments from the brightly coloured slips of paper.

Spaces and Services

Our libraries’ beautiful, physical layouts are designed in response to research based on girls’ academic and social needs. They are purposeful, flexible spaces, that provide areas to gather in small groups, nooks and corners for comfortable privacy, and of course larger spaces for classes and community gatherings.

There are spaces for casual collaboration and formal meetings and the library provides a haven for the girls during their busy lives – a place for quiet reflection. Our students are comfortable to move between these environments and confidently choose according to their needs.

Library staff take pleasure in creating attractive physical and digital displays to promote the book collections and library programs. At the Nina Crone Library, bespoke bookmarks have become collectors’ items by both students and staff. The ‘Compliment Jar’ on our library desk attracts students like a moth to a flame, and there is joy in their happy responses as they read the compliments from the brightly coloured slips of paper.

Spaces and Services

Our libraries’ beautiful, physical layouts are designed in response to research based on girls’ academic and social needs. They are purposeful, flexible spaces, that provide areas to gather in small groups, nooks and corners for comfortable privacy, and of course larger spaces for classes and community gatherings.

There are spaces for casual collaboration and formal meetings and the library provides a haven for the girls during their busy lives – a place for quiet reflection. Our students are comfortable to move between these environments and confidently choose according to their needs.

Library staff take pleasure in creating attractive physical and digital displays to promote the book collections and library programs. At the Nina Crone Library, bespoke bookmarks have become collectors’ items by both students and staff. The ‘Compliment Jar’ on our library desk attracts students like a moth to a flame, and there is joy in their happy responses as they read the compliments from the brightly coloured slips of paper.

Nina Crone Library compliments jar
Year 8 Students Fosina Zhao and Natasa Jevdjevic playing chess in the Nina Chrone library
Playing cards and reading in the Nina Crone Library
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Resources and Discourses  

We are so much more than the physical spaces that house our 25,000+ book collections. The Melbourne Girls Grammar digital library is available to our school community anytime and anywhere. Carefully curated online collections and purchased digital resources (encyclopedias, databases, eBooks and multimedia libraries) enable our Grammarians to explore and research their worlds and personal questions. Our Grammarians are empowered to order, sample, and delve deeply into literature and information that stimulates their curiosity.

A daily snapshot shows Grammarians simultaneously deeply engaged in a book, solving a STEM dilemma in an online game, browsing through our eBook libraries, listening to an online story while reading the text below the illustrations, watching a video to front load a class, studying for an important test, or relaxing with our extensive movie collections. Of course, this can be engaged in at home as well as on campus, and our library staff work tirelessly to satisfy each student’s preferred mode of using our library resources. The Nina Crone Library even has picnic rugs and baskets available for loan so that our Grammarians can learn in our outdoor classrooms or enjoy lunch in our school’s gardens.

Resources and Discourses  

We are so much more than the physical spaces that house our 25,000+ book collections. The Melbourne Girls Grammar digital library is available to our school community anytime and anywhere. Carefully curated online collections and purchased digital resources (encyclopedias, databases, eBooks and multimedia libraries) enable our Grammarians to explore and research their worlds and personal questions. Our Grammarians are empowered to order, sample, and delve deeply into literature and information that stimulates their curiosity.

A daily snapshot shows Grammarians simultaneously deeply engaged in a book, solving a STEM dilemma in an online game, browsing through our eBook libraries, listening to an online story while reading the text below the illustrations, watching a video to front load a class, studying for an important test, or relaxing with our extensive movie collections. Of course, this can be engaged in at home as well as on campus, and our library staff work tirelessly to satisfy each student’s preferred mode of using our library resources. The Nina Crone Library even has picnic rugs and baskets available for loan so that our Grammarians can learn in our outdoor classrooms or enjoy lunch in our school’s gardens.

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Coco Baath, Olivia Gu and LJ Smith reading in the Morris Hall library
Reading in the Nina Crone library
Morris Hall Library
On Valentines Day our library team set up an engaging book display for our students
Coco Baath, Olivia Gu and LJ Smith reading in the Morris Hall library
Reading in the Nina Crone library
Morris Hall Library
On Valentines Day our library team set up an engaging book display for our students

Our libraries and collections are mobile too. A teacher librarian regularly visits our youngest Grammarians at our Early Learning Centre for eagerly anticipated Storytime Sessions. Research workshops are conducted in Merton Hall classrooms where “teacher librarians help students and teachers navigate an information-abundant world to efficiently locate reliable, authoritative and meaningful resources” (3).

Our Melbourne Girls Grammar libraries are dynamic gathering places that support and sustain student learning and wellbeing, and, for many of our students, essential parts of every school day.

Our libraries and collections are mobile too. A teacher librarian regularly visits our youngest Grammarians at our Early Learning Centre for eagerly anticipated Storytime Sessions. Research workshops are conducted in Merton Hall classrooms where “teacher librarians help students and teachers navigate an information-abundant world to efficiently locate reliable, authoritative and meaningful resources” (3).

Our Melbourne Girls Grammar libraries are dynamic gathering places that support and sustain student learning and wellbeing, and, for many of our students, essential parts of every school day.

Our libraries and collections are mobile too. A teacher librarian regularly visits our youngest Grammarians at our Early Learning Centre for eagerly anticipated Storytime Sessions. Research workshops are conducted in Merton Hall classrooms where “teacher librarians help students and teachers navigate an information-abundant world to efficiently locate reliable, authoritative and meaningful resources” (3).

Our Melbourne Girls Grammar libraries are dynamic gathering places that support and sustain student learning and wellbeing, and, for many of our students, essential parts of every school day.


  1. IFLA School Libraries Section Standing Committee, 2015). IFLA school library guidelines. https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/school-libraries-resource-centers/publications/ifla-school-library-guidelines.pdf
  2. Daley, M. (2019). Raising Readers: How to nurture a child’s love of books. UQP.
  3. ACT Government, Education. (2019). School libraries: the heart of 21st century


  1. IFLA School Libraries Section Standing Committee, 2015). IFLA school library guidelines. https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/school-libraries-resource-centers/publications/ifla-school-library-guidelines.pdf
  2. Daley, M. (2019). Raising Readers: How to nurture a child’s love of books. UQP.
  3. ACT Government, Education. (2019). School libraries: the heart of 21st century


  1. IFLA School Libraries Section Standing Committee, 2015). IFLA school library guidelines. https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/school-libraries-resource-centers/publications/ifla-school-library-guidelines.pdf
  2. Daley, M. (2019). Raising Readers: How to nurture a child’s love of books. UQP.
  3. ACT Government, Education. (2019). School libraries: the heart of 21st century

Beautiful Nooks for More Than Books

Our Melbourne Girls Grammar libraries house a collaborative community of learners and educators who benefit from rich physical and digital environments.

We offer tailored programs designed to inspire curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking from growing minds. Melbourne Girls Grammar libraries support learners to achieve not only academic goals but nurture personal growth.

A school library is a school’s physical and digital learning space where reading, inquiry, research, thinking, imagination, and creativity are central to students’ information-to-knowledge journey and to their personal, social, and cultural growth. (1)

Culture and Learning

Our libraries are vibrant environments. Step inside our physical spaces to observe our students collaborating, learning, and recreating in groups and in comfortable solitude.

The slogan, ‘Whose library? OUR library’ is embraced in Morris Hall where weekly targeted lessons enable our students to become strong digital citizens, gaining confidence in online learning and digital practices. These classes also empower our students with the skills to become joyful, voracious readers who possess a depth to their reading tastes, appreciation and understanding of literature.

At Merton Hall, the Nina Crone Library is an active learning environment. Senior Years students enjoy the flexibility of studying alone or with peers, teachers, and academic coaches. Wildfell and Middle Years students get comfortable on our multi-coloured cushions in ‘The Drum’ for wider reading sessions, where a teacher librarian enthusiastically shares stories and talks about books. Library staff support students to self-select books so that they can “develop an emotional attachment to reading and develop lifelong reading habits.” (2).

The energy and delight of our library environments are never more apparent than during daily recreation times, which see individual pursuits happily coexisting with collaboration and socialising for pleasure and personal growth. During these times, our Melbourne Girls Grammar libraries are hives of activity with girls in huddles reading, navigating board games, online games, building, creating, and crafting. Clubs such as MineCraft Club are also noisy, happy times that enhance collaboration and problem solving. The extensive library collections provide relaxed reading opportunities for those who crave social connection or prefer some ‘me time’ with a book.

In the middle of the busyness, our qualified library staff are focussed on provoking our girls’ thinking, assisting with resources and programs, empowering them to navigate their friendships, and encouraging new ideas and activities.

Culture and Learning

Our libraries are vibrant environments. Step inside our physical spaces to observe our students collaborating, learning, and recreating in groups and in comfortable solitude.

The slogan, ‘Whose library? OUR library’ is embraced in Morris Hall where weekly targeted lessons enable our students to become strong digital citizens, gaining confidence in online learning and digital practices. These classes also empower our students with the skills to become joyful, voracious readers who possess a depth to their reading tastes, appreciation and understanding of literature.

At Merton Hall, the Nina Crone Library is an active learning environment. Senior Years students enjoy the flexibility of studying alone or with peers, teachers, and academic coaches. Wildfell and Middle Years students get comfortable on our multi-coloured cushions in ‘The Drum’ for wider reading sessions, where a teacher librarian enthusiastically shares stories and talks about books. Library staff support students to self-select books so that they can “develop an emotional attachment to reading and develop lifelong reading habits.” (2).

The energy and delight of our library environments are never more apparent than during daily recreation times, which see individual pursuits happily coexisting with collaboration and socialising for pleasure and personal growth. During these times, our Melbourne Girls Grammar libraries are hives of activity with girls in huddles reading, navigating board games, online games, building, creating, and crafting. Clubs such as MineCraft Club are also noisy, happy times that enhance collaboration and problem solving. The extensive library collections provide relaxed reading opportunities for those who crave social connection or prefer some ‘me time’ with a book.

In the middle of the busyness, our qualified library staff are focussed on provoking our girls’ thinking, assisting with resources and programs, empowering them to navigate their friendships, and encouraging new ideas and activities.

Culture and Learning

Our libraries are vibrant environments. Step inside our physical spaces to observe our students collaborating, learning, and recreating in groups and in comfortable solitude.

The slogan, ‘Whose library? OUR library’ is embraced in Morris Hall where weekly targeted lessons enable our students to become strong digital citizens, gaining confidence in online learning and digital practices. These classes also empower our students with the skills to become joyful, voracious readers who possess a depth to their reading tastes, appreciation and understanding of literature.

At Merton Hall, the Nina Crone Library is an active learning environment. Senior Years students enjoy the flexibility of studying alone or with peers, teachers, and academic coaches. Wildfell and Middle Years students get comfortable on our multi-coloured cushions in ‘The Drum’ for wider reading sessions, where a teacher librarian enthusiastically shares stories and talks about books. Library staff support students to self-select books so that they can “develop an emotional attachment to reading and develop lifelong reading habits.” (2).

The energy and delight of our library environments are never more apparent than during daily recreation times, which see individual pursuits happily coexisting with collaboration and socialising for pleasure and personal growth. During these times, our Melbourne Girls Grammar libraries are hives of activity with girls in huddles reading, navigating board games, online games, building, creating, and crafting. Clubs such as MineCraft Club are also noisy, happy times that enhance collaboration and problem solving. The extensive library collections provide relaxed reading opportunities for those who crave social connection or prefer some ‘me time’ with a book.

In the middle of the busyness, our qualified library staff are focussed on provoking our girls’ thinking, assisting with resources and programs, empowering them to navigate their friendships, and encouraging new ideas and activities.

Spaces and Services

Our libraries’ beautiful, physical layouts are designed in response to research based on girls’ academic and social needs. They are purposeful, flexible spaces, that provide areas to gather in small groups, nooks and corners for comfortable privacy, and of course larger spaces for classes and community gatherings.

There are spaces for casual collaboration and formal meetings and the library provides a haven for the girls during their busy lives – a place for quiet reflection. Our students are comfortable to move between these environments and confidently choose according to their needs.

Library staff take pleasure in creating attractive physical and digital displays to promote the book collections and library programs. At the Nina Crone Library, bespoke bookmarks have become collectors’ items by both students and staff. The ‘Compliment Jar’ on our library desk attracts students like a moth to a flame, and there is joy in their happy responses as they read the compliments from the brightly coloured slips of paper.

Spaces and Services

Our libraries’ beautiful, physical layouts are designed in response to research based on girls’ academic and social needs. They are purposeful, flexible spaces, that provide areas to gather in small groups, nooks and corners for comfortable privacy, and of course larger spaces for classes and community gatherings.

There are spaces for casual collaboration and formal meetings and the library provides a haven for the girls during their busy lives – a place for quiet reflection. Our students are comfortable to move between these environments and confidently choose according to their needs.

Library staff take pleasure in creating attractive physical and digital displays to promote the book collections and library programs. At the Nina Crone Library, bespoke bookmarks have become collectors’ items by both students and staff. The ‘Compliment Jar’ on our library desk attracts students like a moth to a flame, and there is joy in their happy responses as they read the compliments from the brightly coloured slips of paper.

Spaces and Services

Our libraries’ beautiful, physical layouts are designed in response to research based on girls’ academic and social needs. They are purposeful, flexible spaces, that provide areas to gather in small groups, nooks and corners for comfortable privacy, and of course larger spaces for classes and community gatherings.

There are spaces for casual collaboration and formal meetings and the library provides a haven for the girls during their busy lives – a place for quiet reflection. Our students are comfortable to move between these environments and confidently choose according to their needs.

Library staff take pleasure in creating attractive physical and digital displays to promote the book collections and library programs. At the Nina Crone Library, bespoke bookmarks have become collectors’ items by both students and staff. The ‘Compliment Jar’ on our library desk attracts students like a moth to a flame, and there is joy in their happy responses as they read the compliments from the brightly coloured slips of paper.

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Nina Crone Library compliments jar
Year 8 Students Fosina Zhao and Natasa Jevdjevic playing chess in the Nina Chrone library
Playing cards and reading in the Nina Crone Library
Nina Crone Library compliments jar
Year 8 Students Fosina Zhao and Natasa Jevdjevic playing chess in the Nina Chrone library
Playing cards and reading in the Nina Crone Library

Resources and Discourses  

We are so much more than the physical spaces that house our 25,000+ book collections. The Melbourne Girls Grammar digital library is available to our school community anytime and anywhere. Carefully curated online collections and purchased digital resources (encyclopedias, databases, eBooks and multimedia libraries) enable our Grammarians to explore and research their worlds and personal questions. Our Grammarians are empowered to order, sample, and delve deeply into literature and information that stimulates their curiosity.

A daily snapshot shows Grammarians simultaneously deeply engaged in a book, solving a STEM dilemma in an online game, browsing through our eBook libraries, listening to an online story while reading the text below the illustrations, watching a video to front load a class, studying for an important test, or relaxing with our extensive movie collections. Of course, this can be engaged in at home as well as on campus, and our library staff work tirelessly to satisfy each student’s preferred mode of using our library resources. The Nina Crone Library even has picnic rugs and baskets available for loan so that our Grammarians can learn in our outdoor classrooms or enjoy lunch in our school’s gardens.

Resources and Discourses  

We are so much more than the physical spaces that house our 25,000+ book collections. The Melbourne Girls Grammar digital library is available to our school community anytime and anywhere. Carefully curated online collections and purchased digital resources (encyclopedias, databases, eBooks and multimedia libraries) enable our Grammarians to explore and research their worlds and personal questions. Our Grammarians are empowered to order, sample, and delve deeply into literature and information that stimulates their curiosity.

A daily snapshot shows Grammarians simultaneously deeply engaged in a book, solving a STEM dilemma in an online game, browsing through our eBook libraries, listening to an online story while reading the text below the illustrations, watching a video to front load a class, studying for an important test, or relaxing with our extensive movie collections. Of course, this can be engaged in at home as well as on campus, and our library staff work tirelessly to satisfy each student’s preferred mode of using our library resources. The Nina Crone Library even has picnic rugs and baskets available for loan so that our Grammarians can learn in our outdoor classrooms or enjoy lunch in our school’s gardens.

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Our libraries and collections are mobile too. A teacher librarian regularly visits our youngest Grammarians at our Early Learning Centre for eagerly anticipated Storytime Sessions. Research workshops are conducted in Merton Hall classrooms where “teacher librarians help students and teachers navigate an information-abundant world to efficiently locate reliable, authoritative and meaningful resources” (3).

Our Melbourne Girls Grammar libraries are dynamic gathering places that support and sustain student learning and wellbeing, and, for many of our students, essential parts of every school day.

Our libraries and collections are mobile too. A teacher librarian regularly visits our youngest Grammarians at our Early Learning Centre for eagerly anticipated Storytime Sessions. Research workshops are conducted in Merton Hall classrooms where “teacher librarians help students and teachers navigate an information-abundant world to efficiently locate reliable, authoritative and meaningful resources” (3).

Our Melbourne Girls Grammar libraries are dynamic gathering places that support and sustain student learning and wellbeing, and, for many of our students, essential parts of every school day.

Our libraries and collections are mobile too. A teacher librarian regularly visits our youngest Grammarians at our Early Learning Centre for eagerly anticipated Storytime Sessions. Research workshops are conducted in Merton Hall classrooms where “teacher librarians help students and teachers navigate an information-abundant world to efficiently locate reliable, authoritative and meaningful resources” (3).

Our Melbourne Girls Grammar libraries are dynamic gathering places that support and sustain student learning and wellbeing, and, for many of our students, essential parts of every school day.


  1. IFLA School Libraries Section Standing Committee, 2015). IFLA school library guidelines. https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/school-libraries-resource-centers/publications/ifla-school-library-guidelines.pdf
  2. Daley, M. (2019). Raising Readers: How to nurture a child’s love of books. UQP.
  3. ACT Government, Education. (2019). School libraries: the heart of 21st century


  1. IFLA School Libraries Section Standing Committee, 2015). IFLA school library guidelines. https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/school-libraries-resource-centers/publications/ifla-school-library-guidelines.pdf
  2. Daley, M. (2019). Raising Readers: How to nurture a child’s love of books. UQP.
  3. ACT Government, Education. (2019). School libraries: the heart of 21st century


  1. IFLA School Libraries Section Standing Committee, 2015). IFLA school library guidelines. https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/school-libraries-resource-centers/publications/ifla-school-library-guidelines.pdf
  2. Daley, M. (2019). Raising Readers: How to nurture a child’s love of books. UQP.
  3. ACT Government, Education. (2019). School libraries: the heart of 21st century
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